النور للاستشارات والخدمات الضريبية
What is Tax Agent?
Any Person registered with the Authority in the Register, who is appointed on behalf of another Person to represent him before the Authority and assist him in the fulfillment of his Tax obligations and the exercise of his associated tax rights is a Tax Agent.
According to the FTA (Federal Law No. 7-of-2017 on Tax Procedure, ‘A Person may appoint an FTA Tax Agent to act in his name and on his behalf with regard to his tax affairs before the Authority, without prejudice to that Person’s responsibility before the Authority.’
Being your tax agent in UAE, Al Noor will be responsible to provide all the records, information, documents, and financial data to the Federal Tax Authority (FTA) if requested to submit on behalf of you. We will act as a Tax Agent on behalf of you to handle all tax affairs with the FTA.
Tax Agency Number: 30000111
Tax Agent Number: 20031910